Strong B(E1) transitions have been recently observed between states in the 180 nucleus which follow roughly the energy sequence of a dimolecular e + 14C rotator. These findings have been interpreted by Gai et al. as evidence for a molecular dipole degree of freedom being present in the 180 nucleus. However, this idea was contradicted by the results of a microscopic multichannel calculation performed by Descouvemont and Baye which was based on elastic e + ~4C and inelastic e + 14 C (2 +) many-body cluster wave functions. We have improved this study by performing a microscopic multichannel calculation including additionally a n + 170 many-body fragmentation in order to enlarge our model space by those shell model components which dominate the structure of the (positive parity) 180 ground state band. Like Descouvemont and Baye we find a positive parity e + 14C molecular band in 180 and, additionally, a rather strong collectivity in the lowest 1-, 3-, and 5-states in 180. However, since the internal structure is different within these states, the calculated states should not be interpreted as a negative parity e + 14C molecular band. In this perspective, the microscopic multichannel calculations do not support the hypothesis of a molecular dipole degree of freedom being present in the tsO nucleus.