We calculate the self-energies and the spectral densities of longitudinal and transverse gluons at zero temperature in color-superconducting quark matter in the color-flavor-locked (CFL) phase. We find a collective excitation, a plasmon, at energies smaller than two times the gap parameter and momenta smaller than about eight times the gap. The dispersion relation of this mode exhibits a minimum at some nonzero value of momentum, indicating a van Hove singularity.PACS numbers: 12.38. Mh,24.85.+p At asymptotically large quark chemical potentials µ and sufficiently small temperatures T , quark matter is a color superconductor [1]. While there are, in principle, many different color-superconducting phases, corresponding to the different possibilities to form quark Cooper pairs with definite color, flavor, and spin quantum numbers, for three quark flavors and quark chemical potentials much larger than the strange quark mass, the ground state of color-superconducting quark matter is the so-called color-flavor-locked (CFL) phase [2].In the CFL phase, the SU (3) c × SU (3) f color and (vector) flavor symmetry of QCD is broken to the diagonal subgroup SU (3) c+f . Consequently, all eight gluons become massive due to the Anderson-Higgs mechanism. The situation is quite similar to that in the 2SC case, although there SU (3) c is broken to SU (2) c , and only five gluons become massive, while the three gluons of the residual SU (2) c color symmetry remain massless. These general symmetry considerations can be confirmed by an explicit calculation of the gluon Meissner masses in a given colorsuperconducting phase. The Meissner mass (squared) of a gluon with adjoint color a is the zero-momentum limit of the transverse component of the gluon self-energy at zero energy, lim p→0 Π t aa (p 0 = 0, p). At asymptotically large µ, the QCD coupling constant g ≪ 1, and the gluon self-energy is dominated by the contributions from one quark and one gluon loop. The quark loop is ∼ g 2 µ 2 , while the gluon loops are ∼ g 2 T 2 . Since the color-superconducting gap parameter is φ ∼ µ exp(−1/g) ≪ µ [3], and since the transition temperature to the normal conducting phase is T c ∼ φ, for temperatures where quark matter is in the color-superconducting phase, T < ∼ T c ≪ µ, the gluon loop contribution can be neglected. Following this line of arguments, the gluon Meissner masses have been computed for the 2SC phase in Ref. [4] and for the CFL phase in Ref. [5,6]. The full energy-momentum dependence of the one-loop gluon self-energy has also been computed, but so far only for the 2SC phase [7,8]. The corresponding calculation for the CFL phase is the goal of the present paper.For the 2SC phase, the derivation of the gluon self-energies and propagators was explicitly discussed in Sec. II of Ref.[8], and we briefly remind the reader of the main steps. Just like in other systems (ordinary superconductors, the standard model of electroweak interactions) where gauge symmetries are broken, there are Nambu-Goldstone fluctuations which mix with the lon...