Optimizing robots’ path have recently gained a great attention and considered an open research challenge due to their potential to work in dynamic and complex environments. Most researchers working in the field of single anchor-assisted localization in wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), often run their simulations based on NS-2 simulator which needs a movement scenario file that stores the coordinates of mobile robot trajectory. To address such issues, this paper proposes an object-oriented graphical user interface (GUI) system that can be used as an animator and also as a scenario generator tool for the movement of mobile robot. Our animator system enables researchers to generate their own scenario files regards to different static path planning mechanisms. Besides, this paper proposes a genetic algorithm based path planning method with the assistance of Bézier curve technique to work in a dynamic environment. Our proposal improves the robot performance, compared to others, in terms of the path length, the smoothness of the path, processing time.