Laser enhanced ionization (LEI) occurs when a tunable dye laser is used to excite a specific atomic population in a flame ( 1 4 ) . The thermal ionization rate of the laser-perturbed atomic population is greatly enhanced over that of the thermally distributed population. Resonant (R), non-resonant (N), stepwise (S), and non-resonant stepwise (NS) laser excitation schemes for LEI are illustrated in Figure 1, which also indicates the role of collisional (thermal) processes in LEI. In all cases. the final ionization sten is collisional.
~~ ~~The ions produced hg I.El are decected by impressing a high voltaee across the flamf.. The current in this high-voltace circug is a measure of the volume ionization rate (7) (ions created per cm3 per second), and, hence, changes in this current induced by the laser represent the LEI signal. Under appropriately controlled conditions, the LEI signal varies linearly with the concentration of the resonantly excited element in the flame, yielding the basis for a new method of chemical analysis.Flames have long been used to render free atoms for spectroscopic analysis f& elements (usually metals) in solution (8).For this purpose, a fine mist of solution drawn from a sample heaker is mixed with the fuel and oxidant in the chamber of -~~~ ~ a pre-mix burner (the fuel and oxidant are mixed before combustion). Upon passing into the flame, the tiny droplets rapidly evaporate, leaving a fraction-often near unity-of the desired element in the free atomic state. For a given set of burner adjustments, the ratio of free atom number density in the flame to element concentration in the original solution is constant, but not accurately known. Typically, a 1-ppm solution yields 1010-10" atoms of analytelcdin the flame
(9).Free atoms in the flame may be identified by their unique absorptions andlor emissions and quantifird by the strength, or intrnsitv, oi these spectral fttnturrs. Accurate measurrments of solution concentrations require the use of "standard" solutions of known concentration to calibrate the instrument.Flame atomic emission spectroscopy (FAES), flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (FAAS), flame atomic fluorescence spectroscopy (FAFS), and LEI share a common technology up to the point of detecting free atoms in the flame. Each method has unique advantages, and all have a lasting place in atomic spectrometry.A particular advantage of LEI is its extremely high sensitivity (2,lO). Limits of detection (LODs) range from ng/mL (parts-per-billion) to pg/mL (parts-per-trillion), as shown inIn TI Co Sn Figure 1. Excitation schemes for LEI in a 2500 K flame ( k T = 0.22 eV): R = resonant; N = nonresonant; S = stepwise; NS = nonresonant stepwise.