materials were very carefully analyzed for reference purposes by different laboratories.The new method is applicable to materials containing from 0.1 to 100% sulfate. The titration with EDTA and Eriochrome Black T as indicator is characterized by high precision. The error in determining the end point was usually less than 0.01 ml. of an 0.053/ solution. The main advantage of the complexometric method over the classical barium sulfate method lies, however, in its rapidity; a determination of sulfate by the latter method usually takes 1 to 2 days while the new procedure gives results in 30 to 45 minutes (time depending mainly on the pretreatment required for the kind of material tested).The precipitation of sulfate with lead is virtually free of interference and the procedure is therefore directly applicable to ores, concentrates, extracts, solutions, etc., which contain large amounts of uranium, iron, and other cations and anions normally found in smaller concentrations.