“…Over the decade or so since Tracy and Widom's initial work on ASEP, there have been a number of developments in the field of integrable probability in this direction. This is too vast a subject to try to survey here, so we simply refer to a few existing surveys [ABW,Bor2,BoGo,BoPe1,BoPe2,BoWh,Cor1,Cor2,Cor3,Cor4,OCon,QuSp,Zyg] and mention some general topics: Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class, replica method, Markov duality, quantum Toda Hamiltonian, Macdonald processes (and limits to Whittaker, Jack, Hall-Littlewood or Schur processes), stochastic vertex models, spin q-Whittaker and Hall-Littlewood functions. The list goes on, as does the influence of Tracy and Widom's work on ASEP and random matrices.…”