Finite monoids that generate monoid varieties with uncountably many subvarieties seem rare, and surprisingly, no finite monoid is known to generate a monoid variety with countably infinitely many subvarieties. In the present article, it is shown that there are, nevertheless, many finite monoids with simple descriptions that generate monoid varieties with continuum many subvarieties; these include inherently nonfinitely based finite monoids and all monoids for which xyxy is an isoterm. It follows that the join of two Cross monoid varieties can have a continuum cardinality subvariety lattice that violates the ascending chain condition.Regarding monoid varieties with countably infinitely many subvarieties, the first example of a finite monoid that generates such a variety is exhibited. A complete description of the subvariety lattice of this variety is given. This lattice has width three and contains only finitely based varieties, all except two of which are Cross.