Class II malocclusions constitute a high percentage of ortho-surgically treated cases. Approximately 70% of the patients have associated skeletal discrepancy characterized by an exaggerated sagittal distance between the maxilla and the mandible, which could result in maxillary prognathism, mandibular retrognathism, or both (2) Class II malocclusion can be treated by a combination of maxillary and mandibular surgeries, maxillary surgery alone or by mandible surgery solely depending on the underlying skeletal discrepancy i.e Maxillary Le Fort I superior repositioning with autorotation of mandible, Bi-jaw surgery-bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO) along with maxillary Le Fort I impaction., Genioplasty-advancement of chin. Material and methods: 10 cases of Skeletal Class -II malocclusion were selected randomly irrespective of age, sex, caste, religion, etiology and socioeconomic status, good general health without any systemic disease. Study was conducted in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Karnavati School of Dentistry, Uvarsad. Conclusion: 14 According to the outcomes of the cases it provided a reliable esthetic and functional enhancement of the patient when maxilla was superiorly positioned, with mandibular advancement, genioplasty for retruded chin according to the treatment planned for each patient.