Assignificantimpactsofclimatechangeareincreasinglyconsideredunavoidable,adaptationhas become a policypriority. Itis generally agreedthat science is importantfor the adaptation process but specific guidance on how and to what degree science should contribute and be embedded in this process is still limited which is at odds with the high demand for science contributions to climate adaptation by international organizations, national governments and others. Here we presentandanalyzeexperiencesfromthetropicalAndesbasedonarecentscience-policyprocess on the national and supra-national government level. During this process a framework for the science contribution in climate adaptation has been developed; it consists of three stages, including(1) the framing and problemdefinition, (2)the scientific assessmentof climate, impacts, vulnerabilitiesandrisks,and(3)theevaluationofadaptationoptionsandtheirimplementation.A large amount of methods has been analyzed for stage (2), and a number of major climate adaptation projects in the region assessed for (3). Our study underlines the importance of joint problem framing among various scientific and non-scientific actors, definition of socio-environmental systems, time frames, and a more intense interaction of social and physical climate and impact sciences.Scientifically,thescarcityofenvironmental,socialandeconomic data inregions like the Andes continue to represent a limitation to adaptation, and further investments into coordinated socio-environmental monitoring, data availability and sharing are essential.