Determining the best way to efficiently use limited water resources, for food and energydedicated crops, has become crucial due to the rise in extreme events (floods/droughts) and higher variability in rainfall attributed to global climate change. Changing climate conditions will require new crops to be adapted to a changing agricultural environment. Reliable information on seasonal trends in crop growth and evapotranspiration with associated uncertainty/confidence ranges is crucial to guide the development of new crops and management strategies to cope with future climate. Given that crop growth is strongly coupled to soil moisture, developing reliable growth curves requires a detailed understanding of soil moisture at the field-scale. Typically, it is impractical to collect soil samples to adequately assess soil moisture that represents both spatial distribution at the field-scale and temporal dynamics on the scale of a growing season (e.g. 110 days for cereals). A novel way to address soil moisture monitoring challenges is through an integrated, agro-ecosystems-level approach using an integrated sensing system that can link data from multiple platforms (wireless sensors, satellites, airborne imagery, near real-time climate stations). Assimilated data can then be fed into predictive models to generate reference crop growth curves and predict regionally-specific yield potentials. However, integrated sensing requires interagency cooperation, common data processing standards and long-term, timely access to data. Large databases need to be reusable by various organizations and accessible in the future, with comprehensive metadata. During the 2012 growing season a feasibility study was conducted which involved measuring field-scale soil moisture with sensor network technology. The experiment utilized radially-distributed sensors for tracking in-season soil moisture data was collect using both automated in-situ sensors and hand-held sensors. Box-plots of soil moisture data was collected with hand-held revealed an early season wet soil moisture regime and late season dry soil moisture regime. The data sampled on July 5, 2012 was selected for ii geostatistical analysis. Bayesian kriging models and Bayesian kriging models with polynomial trends using different combinations prior distributions for the range and nugget were tested. Models with first order polynomial trend, a reciprocal 2 prior distribution for the range and a reciprocal prior distribution for the nugget fit tended to predict the sample distributions the best. Soil moisture was predicted at a set of random point using ordinary kriging, universal kriging, the two Bayesian kriging models and the Bayesian kriging models with first and second order polynomial trends. Overall, the universal kriging and Bayesian trend models predicted similar data distributions. OpenGIS-compliant services and standards were utilized to provide long-term access to sensor data and construct corresponding metadata. Sensor Model Language, an inter-operable metadata format, ...