This paper presents a case study of how a Spanish financial software factory (FSF) has determined the weights of the indicators and objectives included in their strategy map with the aim of ensuring its business sustainability. A strategy map is a graphical representation of the cause-effect relationships between strategic objectives and indicators of a balanced scorecard (BSC). The detailed description of the strategy map development and deployment is not part of the aim of this work as it was described in a former paper. In this study, FAHP, a multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) method using the concepts of fuzzy set theory and hierarchical structure analysis, was used to calculate the weights. The analysis was carried out considering the points of view of different groups of stakeholders (shareholders, top management, middle managers, other employees, customers and some experts in the field of software factories) and the results are presented grouped by role to get a better understanding of the preferences of each kind of stakeholder. The conclusions of this study give a better insight of the corporative sustainability strategies of this kind of firms as well as the different vision of each stakeholder, what could be very valuable to the software factory managers for the decision-making and the strategic management of their organizations.