We construct an effective model for gravity of a central object at large scales. To leading order in the large radius expansion we find a cosmological constant, a Rindler acceleration, a term that sets the physical scales and subleading terms. All these terms are expected from general relativity, except for the Rindler term. The latter leads to an anomalous acceleration in geodesics of test-particles. 95.35.+d, Gravity at large distances poses some of the most difficult puzzles in contemporary gravitational physics. The cosmological constant problem [1] and the nature of dark matter [2] are the most prominent ones. At a somewhat smaller scale, both in terms of actual size and in terms of scientific credibility, there are fly-by anomalies [3] and the Pioneer anomaly [4]. The word "anomalous" here refers to the difference between the observed trajectory of a test-particle in the gravitational field of a central object and the calculated trajectory. The pair test-particle/central object can mean e.g. galaxy/cluster, star/galaxy, Sun/Pioneer spacecraft, Earth/satellite, etc.Conceptually, there are three ways to resolve the anomalies. Either we modify the matter content of the theory (dark matter), or we modify the gravitational theory itself. The third alternative is that we might not be applying the theory correctly or beyond its realm of validity. Namely, even though effects that go beyond general relativity (GR) or its Newtonian limit are small locally, they may accumulate over large distances and/or through averaging, see [5][6][7] for various approaches that advocate this idea and implement it in different ways. In this Letter we advocate a new approach to describe gravity at large distances that is agnostic about the issue which of these three alternatives is realized in Nature. The main strength of our method lies in its rigidity -there is only one new free parameter -and in its ab initio nature.One well-established key ingredient to our approach is to construct an effective field theory by writing down the most general action consistent with all the required symmetries and with additional assumptions (power counting renormalizability, analyticity, ...). A crucial point is that we impose spherical symmetry in addition to diffeomorphism invariance, which often is a good approximation in the IR [27]. Spherical symmetry effectively reduces the theory to two dimensions. The main result of this Letter is that the most general action consistent with our assumptions leads to an additional term in the gravitational potential as compared to GR. This novel term generates accelerations similar to the ones observed in various "anomalous" systems in Nature and has a beautifully simple geometric interpretation as Rindler acceleration.
EFFECTIVE FIELD THEORY FOR IR GRAVITYTo address the issue of anomalous acceleration of testparticles in the gravitational field of a central object we first simplify the underlying theory as much as possible. We assume that spacetime is described by a spherically symmetric metric in four dim...