[a] 1Introduction For many years boronh as been considered to be one of the most interesting materials foru se as solid propellant in modern air-breathing ramjet engines. Its particular significance is based on the fact that boron possesses one of the highest heating values per unit volume and mass and at hreefold volumetric heating value compared to hydrocarbon fuels.F urthermore the numerical simulation of reacting flows has become one of the most important tools for the development of new propulsion devices. NovelC FD codes provide the possibilityt oh andle two-phase flows with ar eacting solid phase such as boron particles.To simulate reacting multiphase flows, ad etailed knowledge of the reactionm echanism of boron combustion is necessary.I nt he past decades, several combustion models were formulated,w hich are based on the results of experimental investigations of different researchg roups.Unfortunately,t he ignition and combustionb ehavior of boron particles is very complex. Boron particles are covered with al iquido xide layer that slows down molecular transport towards and from the metallic surface. As ac onsequence, the combustion processd ecelerates.The global reaction progress can be divided into two single combustions tages. The first one containst he heating of the boron particle and the removalo ft he oxide layer.T he second stage comprises the combustion of the clean boron particle. Due to the high boilingt emperature of boron (between 3931 Ka nd 4139 K), combustionm ostly occurs through surface reactions.Gaponenko et al. first proposedacombustion model for dry and water-vapor containing environments [ 4].T he model contains diffusion processes, three reaction processes, and the heat transfer.I shikawa and Matsumoto investigated the combustion behavioro fb oron particlesw ith as ize range between 1-15 mm [ 5].T hey could show that combustion takes place at the particle surface as well as in the gas phase.B ased on their experimental results, they developed af irst combustion modelf or the second combustion stage, includingh eterogeneous reactions, and compared their calculations by varying several parameters such as reaction rates or temperature witht he experiment.One of the most comprehensive efforts towards the understanding of boron particle combustion was made by Maček et al. [6,7].E xperiments were conducted using particles with as ize range of 35-125 mm. These particles were ignited at different flame operating parameters (gas temperature, oxygena nd water-vapor concentration, pressure).[a] J. Veith, M. Pfitzner Institut für Thermodynamik Universität der Bundeswehr München 85577 Neubiberg, Germany *e-mail:jan.veith@unibw.deAbstract:B ecauseo fi ts high energyd ensity,b oron particles have been as ubject of interest for the use as propellant in propulsion systems for many years. Ac heap and fast opportunity to investigate multiphase reacting flows in such systemsisoffered by numerical simulations. Therefore, ad etailed knowledge of the chemistry and kinetics of boron combustioni nd iffe...