The data obtained in the recent Rosetta space mission to comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko have had a profound impact on the understanding of the nature of comets. In addition to revising the notions on the physical properties and structure of comets, this addresses dynamical aspects of the formation of the observed cometary populations (short-and long-period comets, Centaurs, trans-Neptunian objects, and Oort-cloud objects). In the review, we discuss new problems that have appeared in the theory of dynamical evolution and origin of comets due to the Rosetta mission.
POPULATIONS OF COMETS IN THE SOLAR SYSTEMAlong with visible features, especially the presence of a coma in the objects of the inner Solar system, there are two characteristic features in comets that set them apart from the other Solar system bodies. First, comets move along high-eccentricity orbits; and, second, there are often substantial nongravitational effects in their motion. In the mid last century, attempts to explain these features resulted in two remarkable achievements in understanding the nature of comets. It was found that comets with near-parabolic orbits exhibit a concentration of values w = 1/a (where a is the semimajor axis of an orbit) in a range of w<10 -4 au -1 . This led J.H. Oort to a concept of a cometary cloud on the periphery of the Solar system (Oort, 1950); this cloud now bears his name. The nongravitational effects were explained by the model, supposing the presence of a solid rotating nucleus composed of frozen volatile compounds, mainly water with admixed dust (Whipple, 1950). In our days, the Oort cloud model and the cometary nucleus model have been substantially modified and improved; however, in general, these achievements provided a basis for the approaches currently developed in the studies of cometary dynamics and physics.While Oort (1950) had only 14 sufficiently exact orbits with w<10 -4 au -1 at his disposal, now the number of such orbits has increased substantially. For near-parabolic comets with a perihelion distance q <5 au, typical changes in the value of w due to the planetary perturbations for one passage through the planetary region considerably exceed 10 -4 au -1 (Fernandez,1981; Emel'yanenko, 1992). Consequently, there is no doubt that the majority of observed comets with the Oort-cloud values of w are "new": they enter near-Earth space for the first time after long being in orbits with large perihelion distances. As shown in papers by Duncan et al. (1987), Dones et al. (2004), andEmel'yanenko et al. (2007), the Oort cloud is a natural result of a long dynamical evolution of objects ejected from the planetary region. The main features in the orbit distribution of the Oort cloud weakly depend on dynamical characteristics specific to the bodies at the first stages of the Solar system formation and are mainly determined by the long-term influence of planetary, stellar, and galactic perturbations. Due to the effects of stellar and galactic perturbations, the orbits of most objects are currently far from the pl...