In this era of globalization, technology is very much needed, especially in the world of education. To improve the quality of learning, many tools can be used to support the quality of learning, one of which is using media as a teaching aid. This study aims to analyse the effect of comic media mobile application on Chinese grammatical competence among Chinese learners. This study uses a quantitative descriptive approach, and purposive sampling determined the sample. The research instrument used was the test (pre-test and post-test) and the questionnaire. The data analysis method used to test the hypothesis is the pre-test-post-test using the t-test (paired sample test) and the normality test. After the pre-test, the research subjects were asked to try the comic media application "LeDu" for two weeks. Through the post-test results, the average value of the research subjects increased from 74 to 87.23. The t-test on the correlation between the pre-test and post-test scores shows a correlation between the two variables, and the t-test data shows the value of Sig. (2-tailed) is 0.000<0.005, indicating that the "LeDu" comic media application prototype significantly affects learning Chinese grammatical competence. The questionnaire data also shows that the respondents responded positively to 3 aspects, user interest, content quality, and application usability.