We report a neutron scattering study of bond-stretching phonons in La1.69Sr0.31NiO4, a doped antiferromagnet in which the added holes order in diagonal stripes at 45• to the Ni-O bonds. For the highest-energy longitudinal optical mode along the bonds, a softening of 20% is observed between the Brillouin zone center and zone boundary. At 45• to the bonds, a splitting of the same magnitude is found across much of the zone. Surprisingly, the charge-ordering wave vector plays no apparent role in the anomalous dispersions. The implications for related anomalies in the cuprates are discussed.There is resurgent interest in the role of phonons with respect to the high-temperature superconductivity found in layered copper-oxides [1]. Particularly striking are the anomalies in high-energy optical modes observed by neutron scattering in La 2−x Sr x CuO 4 [2, 3, 4] and YBa 2 Cu 3 O 6+x [2,5,6,7]. There have been various speculations as to whether the observed phonon anomalies might be related to instantaneous charge inhomogeneities, particularly those in the form of stripes [8]. Recently, detailed analyses of electron-phonon interactions in a dimerized stripe phase have been reported [9,10].One way to learn about the effect of charge stripes on lattice dynamics is to study a model system with well-defined stripe order. Here we present the first single-crystal study, to our knowledge, of the bondstretching phonon modes in such a system, specifically La 2−x Sr x NiO 4 with x = 0.31. The stripe order in Srdoped nickelates has been characterized in detail by neutron diffraction, and the most recent summary of results is given in [11]. For x > ∼ 0.22, the crystal structure is tetragonal, consisting of a body-centered stacking of NiO 2 planes. Within the NiO 2 planes, the charge stripes run diagonally along either [110] [13,14].) The maximum transition temperatures for charge-stripe and magnetic order occur at x = 1 3 [11,15]. Well below the charge-ordering temperature, T co , the nickelates have very large resistivities [16,17], consistent with all of the added holes being localized in charge stripes.We [110], a splitting of the same magnitude is observed over much of the zone and, in particular, at the zone boundary. These results are important for two reasons. 1) The observed anomalies must be associated with the local charge inhomogeneity. They are induced by the hole doping, and the holes are localized in the stripes. 2) There is no evidence that the charge-ordering wave vector, q co , plays a special role. If the phonon anomalies were related to collective phase fluctuations of the charge stripes, as in a conventional charge-density-wave system [19], then one might expect them to appear at q co . With the absence of a collective signature, it seems likely that the dominant effects involve local interactions between charge and lattice fluctuations.Our La 2−x Sr x NiO 4 crystal, grown by the floating-zone method, is cylindrical, with a diameter of 6 mm and length of 30 mm; the Sr concentration of x = 0.31 was confirmed by...