Let g and n be integers at least 2, and let G be the pure braid group with n strands on a closed orientable surface of genus g. We describe any injective homomorphism from a finite index subgroup of G into G. As a consequence, we show that any finite index subgroup of G is co-Hopfian.
YOSHIKATA KIDA AND SAEKO YAMAGATAHBPs for S, into CP(S) is induced by an element of Mod * (S). Combining the above theorem with [22, Theorem 7.13 (i)] and applying argument in [17, Section 3], we obtain the following: Corollary 1.2. Let S be the surface in Theorem 1.1. Then for any finite index subgroup Γ of P (S) and any injective homomorphism f : Γ → P (S), there exists a unique element γ ∈ Mod * (S) with f (x) = γxγ −1 for any x ∈ Γ. In particular, Γ is co-Hopfian.Parallel results are proved for the subgroup P s (S) of P (S) and the subcomplex CP s (S) of CP(S), called the complex of HBCs and separating HBPs for S, that are precisely defined in Section 2.2. Let us summarize the results on them.Theorem 1.3. Let S be the surface in Theorem 1.1. Then any superinjective map from CP s (S) into itself is induced by an element of Mod * (S).Corollary 1.4. Let S be the surface in Theorem 1.1. Then for any finite index subgroup Λ of P s (S) and any injective homomorphism h : Λ → P s (S), there exists a unique element λ ∈ Mod * (S) with h(y) = λyλ −1 for any y ∈ Λ. In particular, Λ is co-Hopfian.This corollary is obtained by combining the last theorem with [22, Theorem 7.13 (ii)]. If the genus of a surface S is equal to 0, then we have the equalities P (S) = P s (S) = PMod(S) and CP(S) = CP s (S) = C(S). If the genus of S is equal to 1, then we have the equalities P (S) = I(S) and P s (S) = K(S), where I(S) is the Torelli group for S and K(S) is the Johnson kernel for S. Moreover, CP(S) and CP s (S) are equal to the Torelli complex for S and the complex of separating curves for S, respectively. We refer to [19] for a definition of these groups and complexes. It therefore follows from [3] and [20] that if S is a surface with the genus less than 2 and the Euler characteristic less than −2, then the same conclusions for S as in the above theorems hold. The co-Hopfian property of the braid groups on the disk, which are central extensions of the mapping class groups of holed spheres, is discussed in [2] and [4].For a positive integer n and a manifold M , we define B n (M ) as the braid group of n strands on M , i.e., the fundamental group of the space of non-ordered distinct n points in M . We also define P B n (M ) as the pure braid group of n strands on M , i.e., the fundamental group of the space of ordered distinct n points in M . The group P B n (M ) is naturally identified with a subgroup of B n (M ) of index n!. We refer to [5] and [27] for fundamental facts on these groups.Let S be a surface of genus at least 2 with p boundary components. The kernel of the homomorphism from Mod(S) onto Mod(S) associated with the inclusion of S intoS is then identified with B p