The Polar Cap Indices (PCI) are compiled using data from one magnetometer station in each hemisphere, each close to the geomagnetic pole (Stauning, 2021a(Stauning, , 2021bTroshichev, 2022). The northern hemisphere index, PCN, is from observations made at the Thule (Qaanaaq) in Greenland (IAGA code THL: geographic coordinates 77.47°N, −69.23°E) and the southern hemisphere index, PCS, is from observations made at Vostok (IAGA code VOS: geographic coordinates −79.45°N, 106.87°E). (IAGA is the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, one of the eight associations of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics). Over the years studied in this paper (1998-2018) there has been a relatively rapid motion of the Northern geomagnetic (eccentric dipole) pole toward the rotational axis and much slower motion of the Southern pole (Koochak & Fraser-Smith, 2017;Lockwood et al., 2021). This has resulted in different motions of the stations in geomagnetic coordinates. This paper employs the Altitude-Adjusted Corrected Geomagnetic Coordinate system AACGMv2 (Shepherd, 2014) and the magnetic coordinates of the two stations in this frame are given in Table 1 for the start, middle and end years of the period studied. This shows 1.50° equatorward motion of THL in the geomagnetic