The paper is devoted to the study and applications of criticality of Lagrange multipliers in variational systems, which are associated with the class of problems in composite optimization known as extended nonlinear programming (ENLP). The importance of both ENLP and the concept of multiplier criticality in variational systems has been recognized in theoretical and numerical aspects of optimization and variational analysis, while the criticality notion has never been investigated in the ENLP framework. We present here a systematic study of critical and noncritical multipliers in a general variational setting that covers, in particular, KKT systems in ENLP with establishing their verifiable characterizations as well as relationships between noncriticality and other stability notions in variational analysis. Our approach is mainly based on advanced tools of second-order variational analysis and generalized differentiation. ).where f and Φ are the same as in (1.3), and where N Θ is the normal cone to a C 2 -cone reducible set Θ ⊂ R m . This framework covers, in particular, KKT systems associated with general problems of (nonpolyhedral) conic programming; see, e.g., [1].The main results of the current paper extend those from [15], obtained for CPWL functions θ, to the case of functions θ Y,B defined in (1.2), which form a major class of extended-real-valued convex piecewise linear-quadratic functions in variational analysis; see [18] and Section 2 below. At the same time, the new results obtained here are completely independent from those derived for the variational system (1.4) in [15] in the case of nonpolyhedral sets Θ therein.