The nonlinear equations usually used in thin shell theory [2,3] are constructed on the basis of geometric relationships in which the expressions for the strain contain nonlinear quadratic terms (in the displacements and their derivatives), and the expressions for the change in the curvature and torsion are only linear terms. In recent times equations [!, 4, 7] have become widespread, where the quadratic terms are conserved even in the expressions for the change in curvature and torsion. On the other hand, as is known, a complete expression for the curvagion of the elastic llne is used in investigations of the post-critical strain of a rod, while an approximate result can be obtained only by expanding this expression in series, and keeping two terms, of which the second contains derivatives of the displacements in the third degree.Let us examine the possibility of constructing a nonlinear theory of thin shells with cubic terms retain in the expressions for the change in curvature and torsion.i. For a thin-walled elastic shell the expressions for the elongations and shears, which are related to the displacements u, v, and w, are taken following [6] in the form ,n = Zle. +-fz I (e~, + e~2 + e~s);