investigation of electron density migrations caused by molecular
structure changes is of central importance in various fields of chemistry.
To address this topic in general and to study absorption intensities
of vibrations, we analyze sensitive dipole moment functions (DMFs)
of a molecule by combining the linear response function of conceptual
DFT and bond dipoles separated by the quantum theory of atoms in molecules
with a graphical transition moment decomposition scheme. The fundamental
intensities of OH stretching vibrations depend strongly on the substituents
but only weakly on the molecular conformations. Interestingly, in
some alcohols, completely opposite trends have been observed for the
lower-level overtone intensities: a weak substituent dependence but
a stronger conformation dependence. It is well known that the formation
of a hydrogen-bonded complex increases the OH stretching fundamental
intensity, but less well known is the decrease in their overtone intensities.
To investigate these characteristics comprehensively, we calculated
their intensities (Δv = 1, 2, and 3) for conformers
of ethanol and trifluoroethanol (TFE) and hydrogen-bonded phenol (PhOH)
systems via the DFT method in the local mode model for the OH stretching
coordinate ΔR. Their first and second derivatives
of the electron density with respect to ΔR were
calculated and interpreted using their bond moments. For ethanol and
TFE, the OH, CC, and CH bond moments were found to make an important
contribution to the molecular DMF derivatives parallel to the OH bond.
The OH bond contributes only to the first derivative of DMF, and its
conformational dependence is determined by the magnitude of the charge
polarization of each structure. The electron density derivatives in
the CC bond region were largely maintained during the internal rotation;
thus, their conformation-dependent contributions were expressed by
a geometrical factor of the CC bond direction. The CH bond at the
antiperiplanar position of the OH bond was found to make a remarkably
large contribution to the second derivative of DMF in the gauche conformer.
The importance of electron density migration on substituents was also
identified in the hydrogen-bonded phenol, in which the π-electron
density change on the aromatic ring was clearly shown. This migration
creates the DMF derivatives both perpendicular and parallel to the
OH bond and strongly affects the absorption intensities. In all the
cases, some bond moments on the substituents contribute to the first
and second DMF derivatives in a structure-dependent manner, thus explaining
their stereoelectronic effects.