conditions, which in some cases do not vanish, but instead lead to a limit cycle behavior. This is especially true at the parameter points on the transition curves separating stability from instability in which periodic motions are predominant.
CONCLUDING REMARKSThe stability analysis of the pantograph}catenary system based on Hill's method of in"nite determinant clearly reveals additional unstable areas at lower values of r not mentioned in references [1, 2]. The new parameter plane depicting transition curves separating stability from instability is validated using the free dynamic response results. We also pointed out the misapplication of the Floquet theory to the damped Mathieu equation resulting in less conservative solutions and missing instability regions. Furthermore, the analytical solution for the steady state forced response derived from the straightforward perturbation method is shown to be limited to only small values of . Finally, we think these reported discrepancies do not actually alter the main conclusions of the earlier study [1, 2], but it does provide a more complete characterization of the stability behavior and points out an obvious misapplication of the Floquet theory.