Malaria deaths and cases have been common among people living in tropical climatic countries like Nigeria, Ghana, Uganda, Tanzania, Mali, etc. Malaria is one of the leading causes of deaths in Nigeria and every person in Nigeria experiences at least three episodes of malaria sickness every year. Many efforts in the past to reduce malaria incidence and burden to patients have not proven successful as resistant strains of mosquitos emerge. Malaria incidence in Nigeria has risen to a hyper-endemic level over some decades whereas countries like Algeria, Morocco and Argentina etc. have controlled and eradicated malaria by following international intervention programs by the World Health Organization and similar agencies. Malaria is of public health concern in Nigeria. Through a review of literature and lived experiences, the author identified and discussed the political and biosocial contexts: ecological, economic, communication, and infrastructural conditions that pose challenge to eradication programs. Recommendations were made to set up surveillance and monitoring system, restructuring the funding and management system, improving community partnership, and promoting health education.