In this review, we show how advances in the theory of magnetic pseudodifferential operators (magnetic ΨDO) can be put to good use in space-adiabatic perturbation theory (SAPT). As a particular example, we extend results of [24] to a more general class of magnetic fields: we consider a single particle moving in a periodic potential which is subjectd to a weak and slowly-varying electromagnetic field. In addition to the semiclassical parameter ε ≪ 1 which quantifies the separation of spatial scales, we explore the influence of an additional parameter λ that allows us to selectively switch off the magnetic field.We find that even in the case of magnetic fields with components in C ∞ b (R d ), e. g. for constant magnetic fields, the results of Panati, Spohn and Teufel hold, i. e. to each isolated family of Bloch bands, there exists an associated almost invariant subspace of L 2 (R d ) and an effective hamiltonian which generates the dynamics within this almost invariant subspace. In case of an isolated non-degenerate Bloch band, the full quantum dynamics can be approximated by the hamiltonian flow associated to the semiclassical equations of motion found in [24].