A AB BS S T TR RA AC CT T O Ob bj je ec ct ti iv ve e: : Patients with diabetes and hypertension must organize to follow a consistent diet and regulate their eating habits. Their minds busy with the diet lists, the foods that are forbidden, limited eating and weight control. The aim of this study is to compare and eating behaviors and psychological conditions of these patients. M Ma at te er ri ia al l a an nd d M Me et th ho od ds s: : 137 diabetic and 86 hypertensive patients presenting to Health Care Centers were included in the study. Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-40), Bulimic Investigatory Test, Edinburgh (BITE) and General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) were used in the study. R Re es su ul lt ts s: : Mean age of the diabetic and hypertensive patients were 56.1±11.5 years and 53.8±13.1 years respectively. There were no statistically differences between two groups with respect to age, height, weight, highest weight and body mass index (BMI). There were no statistical differences between diabetic and hypertensive groups in terms of average BITE, EAT and GHQ score. According to Garner's cut-off value, we demonstrated that 19.7% of diabetic patients and 24.4% of hypertensive patients had disordered eating behavior. There were no statistical differences between two groups in terms of disordered eating behavior (P=0.64). When two groups were compared according to sex, there were no significant differences between average BITE, EAT and GHQ scores, between diabetic and hypertensive men, and between diabetic and hypertensive women. C Co on nl lu us si io on n: : In our study, approximately one-fifth of the patients had disordered eating behaviour. The frequency of disordered eating behaviour were similar between two groups of patients. Patients with eating disorders should be guided towards nutritional health. Clinician should be careful about the eating disorders that may arise in these patients K Ke ey yw wo or rd ds s: : Eating disorders; diabetes complications; hypertension Ö ÖZ ZE ET T A Am ma aç ç: : Diyabetik ve hipertansif hastalar belirli bir diyeti takip etmek ve yeme alışkanlıklarını dü-zenlemek zorundadırlar. Zihinleri genel olarak diyet listeleri, yasaklanmış yiyecekler, kilo kontrolü ile meşguldür. Çalışmamızın amacı bu hastaların yeme alışkanlıklarını ve psikolojik durumlarını karşılaştır-maktır. G Ge er re eç ç v ve e Y Yö ön nt te em ml le er r: : Çalışmaya Sağlık Ocaklarına başvuran 137 diyabetik ve 86 hipertansif hasta alınmıştır. Araştırma verileri Yeme Tutum Testi (YTT-40), Edinburg Bulimik Araştırma Testi (EBAT) ve Genel Sağlık Anketi (GSA-12) kullanılarak toplanmıştır. B Bu ul lg gu ul la ar r: : Diyabetik hasta grubunun yaş ortalaması 56,1±11,5 yıl iken, hipertansif hasta grubunun yaş ortalaması 53,8±13,1 yıl idi. Yaş, boy, kilo, en yük-sek kilo ve beden kitle indeksi (BKİ) açısından gruplar arasında anlamlı bir fark bulunmamıştır. EBAT, YTT ve GSA-12 puan ortalaması açısından iki grup arasında anlamlı fark tespit edilmemiştir. Garner kesme değerine göre diyabetik hastaların %19,7'sinde ve hiper...