Let G be a real reductive Lie group and H a closed reductive subgroup of G. We investigate the deformation of standard compact quotients of G/H , that is, of quotients of G/H by discrete groups that are uniform lattices in some closed reductive subgroup L of G acting properly and cocompactly on G/H . For L of real rank 1, we prove that after a small deformation in G, such a group keeps acting properly discontinuously and cocompactly on G/H . More generally, we prove that the properness of the action of any convex cocompact subgroup of L on G/H is preserved under small deformations, and we extend this result to reductive homogeneous spaces G/H over any local field. As an application, we obtain compact quotients of SO(2n, 2)/U(n, 1) by Zariski-dense discrete subgroups of SO(2n, 2) acting properly discontinuously.