1) where the determinant is D ϭ K TP K Ϫ K P K T . The thermal sensitivity (K TP , K T ) and strain sensitivity (K P , K ) are the sensor head sensitivity coefficients. The matrix coefficients are obtained from the experimental slopes shown in Figures 3 and 4, resulting in ͫ ⌬T ⌬ ͬ ϭ 1 6.37 ͫ 2.03 Ϫ 0.89 Ϫ 16.54 10.39 ͬͫ ⌬ ⌬P ͬ, (2)with ⌬ in nm, ⌬P in nW, ⌬T in°C and ⌬e in (microstrain). The system performance was evaluated when the sensing head was simultaneously subjected to temperature and strain changes over ranges of 80°C and 2000 , respectively. The maximum error was found to be Ϯ0.4°C and Ϯ12 , correspondingly.
CONCLUSIONSA sensing head based on Bragg grating technology for simultaneous measurement of strain and temperature was described. It is based on the combination of a single Bragg grating written in standard optical fiber and interrogated through a HiBi fiber-loop mirror. Particular features of this configuration were analyzed and the maximum errors for temperature and strain measurements were found to be Ϯ0.4°C and Ϯ12 , respectively. Finally, an advantage of this configuration which uses a HiBi fiber-loop mirror is to interrogate an array FBG with capability to discriminate simultaneously the strain and the temperature. REFERENCES 1. O. Frazão, L.A. Ferreira, F.M. Araujo, and J.L. Santos, Applications of fiber optic grating technology to multi-parameter measurement. Fiber Integrated Optic 24 (2005), 227-244. 2. S.W. James, M.L. Dockney, and F.P. Tatam, Simultaneous independent temperature and strain measurement using in-fibre Bragg grating sensors, Electron Lett 32 (1996), 1133, 1134. 3. P.M. Cavaleiro, F.M. Aráujo, L.A. Ferreira, J.L. Santos, and F. Farahi, Simultaneous measurement of strain and temperature using Bragg gratings written in germanosilicate and boron-Codoped germanosilicate fibers, IEEEABSTRACT: A bandpass filter using spiral parallel-coupled-lines is presented for size reduction. Based on the conventional parallel-coupled-line structures, different folded number and coupling structures are proposed for comparison. The band-pass filter with three cells in series is constructed operating from 1.8 GHz to 2.5 GHz. The upper stop-band suppression at 200 MHz offset is more than 30 dB. The band-pass filter size is 70% smaller.