In this paper a novel design to reduce mutual coupling in circular patch antennas is proposed. A circular MIMO antenna with a dumb-bell shape parasitic element is inserted between the two circular patch antennas thereby reducing the mutual coupling. It has been observed that the proposed design produces multi-band characteristics at 3.1 GHz, 6.2 GHz & 7.7 GHz. At the tri-band frequencies impedance bandwidths (IBW's) are around 90 MHz, 320 MHz, and 540 MHz. The process involves cutting rectangular slits on each side of a circular patch and placing a dumb-bell shaped parasitic structure to reduce the transmission coefficient (S 12) to −40.75 dB. It is observed that the antenna parameters are greatly improved in terms of ECC, diversity gain, directivity, group delay, and peak gain which are are 0.005, 9.973 dBi, 6.14 dBi, 10.81 ± 1 nsec, and 3.59 dBi. The results of experimental validation and numerical analysis are presented. The antenna design can be used for wireless communication as well as all C-band applications.