Abstract-Today various highly-efficient protocols exist as wellknown solutions to a wide-range of routing problems. However, there exist a large variety of scenarios where routing protocols do not perform well due to peculiar nature of these routing problems (e.g. dynamism of highly mobile ad-hoc networks, large scale of social, p2p networks, QoS-aware Inter-domain routing). These routing problems can be drawn from various research areas like wireless networks, social networks, and even Physics through fluid dynamics. In this work, we analyze opportunistic path-vector protocols as a solution to some of these mentioned problems. Our approach is to redefine routing problem as a set of smaller scale problems which can be solved locally without requiring a global coordination but local communication. We also provide guidelines on how to solve these redefinedlocalized routing problems efficiently. Our analysis show that our method provide a good compromise between scalability and opportunity through smartly randomized (non-deterministic) choices. Although we analyze this tradeoff for specific cases in this work, a wider range of routing problems can be actually targeted through transformation methods with reasonable-costs.