A wide variety of technologies are included in various networks under the 5G umbrella. The international telecommunication union (ITU) has given the name "fifth-generation mobile communication systems" to recent millimeter-wave communication technology.Millimeter-wave technology, in general terms, encompasses the electromagnetic spectrum between 30 to 300 GHz, which refers to wavelengths ranging from 10 to 1 mm. The growing memory capacity in handheld connectivity is predicted to produce a high data rate of 10 Gbit/s, which relates to the progression of graphics and data-storage technology. Every indoor wireless communication systems have mixers, amplifiers, antennas, and filters which are essential components of an radio frequency (RF) radio frequency front-end circuit. The demand for microstrip antennas in femtocells plays an important role which can work in both unlicensed or licensed spectrums.*Author for correspondence Femtocells are energy efficient, low cost, selfinstallable, and can be easily manufactured with fifth generation (5G)frequency bands [1]. As the size of the antenna required for 5G femtocells is small, lowprofile antennas like millimeter-wave antennas can be easily preferred where it carries low power and provide enormous bandwidth for communication purpose. In 2019, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has given 5G service and sufficient spectrums which are made for the auction.