However, their use has been common with inigated alfalfa to control weeds and produce economic yields in the establishment year. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of an oat companion crop 9n forage. yield and economic returns ior irrigated afafu. In four irrigated trials at Swift Current, Saskatchewan, alfalfa was planted with and without a companion oat (Avina sativa L.) crop. The d-irect-seeded alfalfa produced harvestable yields in three of four trials, with forage yields ranglng from 2584 to 6248 kg DM ha-r. Stands of alfalfa established with the oat companion crgl exhibited 33% lower forage yields at first harvest in the'first year after seeding in three of the four trials. The persistence oJ this treatment effect over time varied among the three trials. Economic returns f6r the establishment treafinents differed considerably among fials an! deryn09{ 91 the prices for oat grain and forage hay. In three of four trials, net margins for the establishment year were highest for alfalfa grown with un oatlompanion crop *hi"h *as harvested for hay when the ratio of oat hay to alfalfa hay price was.greater than d.5. Futth.., it was generally moie profitable to harvest the oats for grain than for hay when the ratio of oat_grain t_o-.o|t hay price was greater thai 1.3. tn the remaining trial, direct-seeded alfalfa provided the highest net margin during the establishment year. When evaluated over the 3-yr study periods, however, there was generally little consistent difference in economic rankings among the alfalfa establishment methodi. Economic returns were generally higher for direct-seeded alfalfa or for alfalfa seeded with an oat companion crop that was harvested for hay when the ratios of alfalfa hay and oat hay to oat grain price were greatgr than 1.2 and 0.9, respectively. The study concluded that the use of an oat companion crop has both agronomic and economic merit for producers establishing alfalfa on irrigation areas in this semi-arid region of Saskatchewan' Key words: Establishment, direct seeding, forage yield, plant density, net present value, net margin Jefferson, P. G. et Zentner,R. P. 1995. Effet dtune culture-abri dtavoine sur le rendement et sur la rentabilitd de la lwerne irrigufe dans le sud-ouest de la Saskatchewan. Can. J. Plant Sci. 74: 465-470. L'utilisation de cultures-abri n'est pas conseilfte pour I'installation de la luzerne (Medicago sativaL.) dans les zones semi-arides du sud-ouest de la Saskatchewan, d cause principalement de la concurrence qu'elles exercent pour l'eau du sol. En revanche, elles sont couramment utilis6es en r6gime irrigo! po* maitriser les mauvaiseiherbes, tout en pioduisant un rendement appr6ciable dans I'ann6e du semis. L'objet de l'6tude 6tail de^d6terminer I'effet de I'avoine (Avern sativa L.) comme culture-abri sur le rendement fourrager et sur les aspects 6cono-miques de la luzerne irrigu6e. Dans 4 essais sous irrigation i Swift Current (Saskatchewan), la luzerne 6tait sem6e, soit seule, soifavec de l'avoine (Avina sativa L.). Le semis en ...