Offspring born from normal litter size (10 to 15 piglets) but classified as having lower than average birth weight (average of the sow herd used: 1.46 6 0.2 kg; mean 6 s.d.) carry at birth negative phenotypic traits normally associated with intrauterine growth restriction, such as brain-sparing and impaired myofiber hyperplasia. The objective of the study was to assess long-term effects of intrauterine crowding by comparing postnatal performance, carcass characteristics and pork quality of offspring born from litters with higher (.1.7 kg) or lower (,1.3 kg) than average litter birth weight. From a population of multiparous Swiss Large White sows (parity 2 to 6), 16 litters with high (H 5 1.75 kg) or low (L 5 1.26 kg) average litter birth weight were selected. At farrowing, two female pigs and two castrated pigs were chosen from each litter: from the H-litters those with the intermediate (H I 5 1.79 kg) and lowest (H L 5 1.40 kg) birth weight, and from L-litters those with the highest (L H 5 1.49 kg) and intermediate (L I 5 1.26 kg) birth weight. Average birth weight of the selected H I and L I piglets differed ( P , 0.05), whereas birth weight of the H L -and L H -piglets were similar ( P . 0.05). These pigs were fattened in group pen and slaughtered at 165 days of age. Pre-weaning performance of the litters and growth performance, carcass and meat quality traits of the selected pigs were assessed. Number of stillborn and pig mortality were greater ( P , 0.05) in L-than in H-litters. Consequently, fewer ( P , 0.05) piglets were weaned and average litter weaning weight decreased by 38% ( P , 0.05). The selected pigs of the L-litters displayed catch-up growth during the starter and grower-finisher periods, leading to similar ( P . 0.05) slaughter weight at 165 days of age. However, H L -gilts were more feed efficient and had leaner carcasses than H I -, L H -and L I -pigs (birth weight class 3 gender interaction P , 0.05). Meat quality traits were mostly similar between groups. The marked between-litter birth weight variation observed in normal size litters had therefore no evident negative impact on growth potential and quality of pigs from the lower birth weight group.