Total mercury (Hg; ppm dry weight) was measured in blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, collected from Narraganset Bay and adjacent coastal lagoons and tidal rivers (Rhode Island/Massachusetts, USA) from May to August 2006-2016. For juvenile crabs (21-79mm carapace width, CW), total Hg was significantly greater in chelae muscle tissue (mean±1 SD=0.32±0.21ppm; n=65) relative to whole bodies (0.21±0.16ppm; n=19), and irrespective of tissue-type, crab Hg was positively related to CW indicating bioaccumulation of the toxicant. Across a broader range of crab sizes (43-185mm CW; n=465), muscle Hg concentrations were significantly higher in crabs from the Taunton River relative to other locations (0.71±0.35ppm and 0.20±0.10ppm, respectively). Spatial variations in crab Hg dynamics were attributed to habitat-specific Hg burdens of their prey, including bivalves, gastropods, polychaetes, and shrimp. Prey Hg, in turn, was directly related to localized sediment Hg and methylmercury conditions. Biota-sediment accumulation factors for crabs and prey were negatively correlated with sediment organic content, verifying that organically-enriched substrates reduce Hg bioavailability. From a human health perspective, frequent consumption of crabs from the Taunton River may pose a human health risk (23% of legal-size crabs exceeded US EPA threshold level); thus justifying spatially-explicit Hg advisories for this species.