21Dichloroacetamide (DCAcAm), a disinfection byproduct, has been detected in drinking 22water. Previous research showed that amino acids may be DCAcAm precursors. However, 23 other precursors may be present. This study explored the contribution of the antibiotic 24 chloramphenicol (CAP) and two of its analogues (thiamphenicol, TAP; florfenicol, FF), 25 referred to collectively as CAPs, which occur in wastewater-impacted source waters, to 26 the formation of DCAcAm. Their formation yields were compared to free and combined 27 amino acids, and they were investigated in filtered waters from drinking water treatment 28 plants, heavily wastewater-impacted natural waters, and secondary effluents from 29 wastewater treatment plants. CAPs had greater DCAcAm formation potential than two 30 representative amino acid precursors. However, in drinking waters with ng/L levels of 31 CAPs, they will not contribute as much to DCAcAm formation as the µg/L levels of amino 32 acids. Also, the effect of advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) on DCAcAm formation 33 from CAPs in real water samples during subsequent chlorination was evaluated.