“…Variation in maximum tree height has profound implications for the photosynthesis, growth, crown and bole dimensions, tissue allocation, hydraulic conductance, and population density of individual trees (Givnish 1995, Ryan and Yoder 1997, McDowell et al 2011, Mencuccini et al 2011, Larjavaara 2013, stand biomass, carbon storage, and productivity (Feldpausch et al 2012, Hui et al 2012, Ruiz-Benito et al 2014, leaf area index and transpiration (Roberts et al 2001, Falster et al 2010, net input to ground and surface waters (Bleby et al 2012), and the availability of suitable habitat for certain animals (Wormington et al 2002, Garcı´a-Ferced et al 2011. Over the last three decades, several models have been advanced to account for maximum tree height and its variation with environmental conditions and plant traits.…”