Advances in cancer treatment over the past decade, such biologics and immunotherapy are improving patient outcomes and consequently life expectancy. The most common sites for metastases in the general population with cancer are the liver and lungs, followed by bone. Considering bone metastases, the majority will affect the spine 1 . Some studies estimate that up to 40% of all patients with cancer will have spinal metastases (SM) during the course of their disease 2,3 . The most frequent histologic types of cancer that give rise to bone metastases are breast, prostate and lung cancer 4 . Most of the spinal metastases are diagnosed following the diagnosis of the primary cancer. However, in about 10% of the patients, SM is the first manifestation of an unknown primary tumor 1 . Spinal cord compression is expected in up to 20% of the patients with SM. Approximately 95% of the patients with SM will demonstrate epidural metastases, mainly affecting the vertebral body and the pedicle regions, whereas 5% will present with intradural and less than 1% with intramedullary metastases 5,6 . Symptomatic spinal cord compression occurs more frequently in the thoracic spine, followed by cervical and then lumbar. The greater incidence of SM in the thoracic spine is attributed to the higher number of vertebrae and small canal diameter
AbstrActThe best clinical treatment for spinal metastases requires an integrated approach with input from an interdisciplinary cancer team. The principle goals of treatment are maintenance or improvement in neurologic function and ambulation, spinal stability, durable tumor control, and pain relief. The past decade has witnessed an explosion of new technologies that have impacted our ability to reach these goals, such as separation surgery and minimally invasive spinal procedures. The biggest advance, however, has been the evolution of stereotactic radiosurgery that has demonstrated durable tumor control both when delivered as definitive therapy and as a postoperative adjuvant even for tumors considered markedly resistant to conventional external beam radiation. In this paper, we perform an update on the management of spinal metastases demonstrating the integration of these new technologies into a decision framework NOMS that assesses four basic aspects of a patient's spine disease: Neurologic, Oncologic, Mechanical Instability and Systemic disease.Keywords: spinal metastases, bone metastases, diagnosis, management, treatment, NOMS.resumo O tratamento dos pacientes com metástases na coluna requer uma abordagem multidisciplinar por equipe especializada em oncologia. Os objetivos básicos do tratamento são a manutenção/ melhora da função neurológica com preservação da deambulação, manutenção da estabilidade da coluna, controle tumoral e alívio da dor. A última década testemunhou uma explosão de novas tecnologias que auxiliaram a atingir os objetivos terapêuticos, como a cirurgia de separação e procedimentos minimamente cirúrgicos minimamente invasivos. Contudo, o maior avanço terapêutico constitui-se d...