Abstract-Hypolipidemic effects of r-oryzanol (OZ) and cycloartenol ferulic acid ester (CAF) on the hyperlipidemia induced by ingestion of a high cholesterol diet (HCD) in male Sprague-Dawley rats were investigated. The test drugs were given orally and intravenously, daily for 12 days with the HCD feeding. The oral administration with OZ and CAF at 100 mg/kg daily for 6 or 12 days did not ap parently prevent the hyperlipidemia induced by HCD-feeding. The intravenous administrations with OZ and CAF at 10 mg/kg for 6 days significantly inhibited the increases in serum total cholesterol (TC), phospholipid (PL) and free cholesterol by HCD. OZ and CAF did not inhibit the decreases of TC in high density lipoprotein (HDL-TC) and HDL-PL by HCD.
The increases of atherogenic index ([TC-HDL TC]/[HDL-TC] and [PL-HDL-PL]/[HDL-PL]) with the HCD feeding were reducedby the intravenous administrations of OZ and CAF. Triglyceride , nonesterified fatty acid, lactate dehydrogenase and transaminase (GOT and GPT) markedly decreased below the control level by the intravenous administrations of OZ and CAF for 12 days. These results suggest that the intravenous administrations of OZ and CAF may have accelerated the excretion of lipids in the blood.The hypolipidemic effect of the usual type of r-oryzanol has been reported by some workers (1-5). The usual type of r-oryzanol is a ferulic acid ester of cycloartenol, 24 methylene cycloartenol, cyclobranol and other sterols. We have previously reported the hypolipidemic effect of the usual type of r-oryzanol as compared to the effect of r oryzanol (OZ) with a sterol composition different from that of the usual type in high cholesterol diet (HCD)-fed rats (6). The inhibition of total cholesterol (TC) increase by the administration of OZ was weaker than that of the usual r-oryzanol, but the inhibition of free cholesterol (FC) and triglyceride (TG) increases and increase of TC in high density lipoprotein (HDL-TC) by OZ were more potent than those of the usual r oryzanol, and it may be due to the concen tration of cycloartenol as an inclusive ratio of sterols (6). The present study was designed to test this hypothesis, and the effects of cycloartenol ferulic acid ester (CAF) were compared with OZ.On the other hand, the intestinal absorp tion of vegetable sterols such as soysterol are markedly lower; therefore, it has been considered that the hypolipidemic mechanism of these sterols was the inhibition of lipid absorption in the intestine (7). Moreover , Gerson et al. (8) have reported that the intraperitoneal administration of Q-sitosterol (type of vegetable sterols) increased the lipid excretion from the blood. OZ and CAF , which are types of vegetable sterols, may have the similar effects to Q-sitosterol on the lipid metabolism. Therefore, the hypolipidemic effects of the intravenous administration of OZ or CAF on the HCD induced hyper lipidemia in rats were investigated.