Animals Male Wistar rats weighing 370-420 g were purchased from Japan SLC (Shizuoka, Japan). They were kept in an animal room at an ambient temperature of 23Ϯ1°C under a 12-h dark-light cycle. Experimental protocols met the "Guidelines for Animal Experimentation" approved by the Japanese Association of Laboratory Animal Science and the Japanese Pharmacological Society.Preparation of Rat Aorta Rats were anesthetized (50 mg/kg i.p. pentobarbital) and sacrificed by cutting their abdominal aorta. Fats and connective tissues were removed from a section of the thoracic aorta, and 3-mm-wide aortic rings were prepared. For an endothelium-free aorta, the endothelial lining of each ring was removed by pressing the ring and rolling it gently onto a filter paper a few times. The endothelium was considered to be intact when relaxation induced by 1 mM of acetylcholine was over 20% of the maximal tension obtained by 60 mM KCl-induced contraction, and the removal of the endothelium was confirmed by the absence of acetylcholine-induced relaxation.Vasodilative Effect of Cinnamaldehyde on Isolated Aortic Rings The aortic rings were mounted on steel hooks in a Magnus chamber (Kishimoto UC-5TD, Kyoto, Japan). One end of the aorta was attached to a force-displacement transducer (Kishimoto UM-203) so that its isometric contraction could be recorded (NEC RECTI-HORIZ-8K, Tokyo, Japan). The baths were filled with 5 ml of Krebs solution containing the following (mM): NaCl 120, KCl 4.7, NaHCO 3 25.0, KH 2 PO 4 1.2, MgSO 4 · 7H 2 O 1.2, CaCl 2 2.5, and glucose 10.0. The solution was maintained at 37°C and bubbled continuously with 5% CO 2 in O 2 at pH 7.4. The rings were equilibrated for 45 min at an initial resting tension of 1 g. During this period, the Krebs solution in the bath was