Smoking and smokeless form of tobacco consumption is highly prevalent among the adult population worldwide. Tobacco use has an adverse effect on oral health. It may contribute to an impaired salivary flow rate and influence salivary pH and taste perception.
To evaluate the effects of tobacco on salivary flow rate, salivary pH and taste perception.
To evaluate salivary flow rate, pH and taste perception in tobacco chewers and tobacco smokers.
Materials and Method:
Sixty subjects were selected from the patients attending Dental OPD. Group A included 20 subjects who has the habit of chewing tobacco for a minimum period of 5 years. Group B included 20 subjects who has the habit of smoking tobacco for at least a period of 5 years. Group C included 20 healthy individuals who did not have habit of chewing or smoking tobacco, and they formed the control group.
On comparing salivary pH between tobacco chewers (Group A) and control group (Group C), it was observed that there was not much difference in salivary pH between the groups. The mean value of Group A (tobacco chewers) of salivary pH was calculated as 7.59 with 0.70 SD. For the control group (Group C), the mean value was obtained as 7.42 with 0.96 standard deviation. The independent t-test was applied, and the result was nonsignificant. Similarly, when SFR was evaluated, it was observed that the mean value for SFR of Group A was 1.75 with 0.71 SD, and for the control group, it was 1.51. There was no significant difference in pH between Group A and Group B. A significant reduction in taste perception was observed in smokers as compared to nonsmokers (P < 0.05). Smokers rated the intensity of all taste solutions lower than the nonsmokers.
Frequent tobacco use impacts oral health, often unknown to the users. This study found altered perception of bitter taste in tobacco users. However, salivary pH and SFR showed minimal variation.