Aim of research. To raise the effectiveness of anticarious properties of oral cavity in children with enamel hypoplasia by introduction of the complex of arrangements, directed on optimization of the oral cavity hygiene, level of secretory immunoglobulin А (sIgA) and the content of mineral components of oral liquid (calcium and orthophosphates).
Materials and methods. Object of research – enamel hypoplasia of the permanent teeth. Subject of research – hygienic status of the oral cavity, level of general calcium, orthophosphates, sIgA in the oral liquid. Methods of research: vital coloration of enamel, transillumination, photometric, immune-enzyme method, indices of hygienic status of the oral cavity (Green–Vermillion (1964) index, Silness–Loe (1964, 1967) index).
There was carried out an assessment of hygienic status of the oral cavity, determination of the level of calcium, orthophosphates and sIgA in the oral liquid of 45 children, 6–14 years old (group № 1 – 21 persons, group № 2 – 24 persons). Group №1 – children, who underwent the complex of prophylactic arrangements that included recommendations as to the choice of means and subjects for the oral cavity care and teaching the standard method of teeth brushing. Group № 2 – children, who additionally used remineralizing cream on the water base with casein phosphopeptide – amorphous calcium phosphate (СРР-АСР) (Certificate on the state registration №10014/2010 of 03.12.2010).
Results. Hygienic status of the oral cavity of children from the both groups was assessed as “unsatisfactory” one according to Green–Vermillion index and as “bad” one according to Silness–Loe index. After prophylactic arrangements the oral cavity status was improved in children of the group № 1: Green–Vermillion (p=0,0013) and Silness–Loe (p=0,0002) indices essentially decreased. In children of the group №2 after prophylactic arrangements hygienic status of the oral cavity was improved more essentially: Green–Vermillion (p=0,0002) and Silness–Loe (p=0,0002) indices reliably decreased. Prescription of remineralizing cream to the children of group № 2 reliably raised the content of calcium (р=0,0051) and sIgA in the oral liquid (р=0,001). Orthophosphates level did not essentially change in both groups.
Conclusions. Introduction of the complex of prophylactic arrangements with additional use of remineralizing preparation favored the more essential improvement of the oral cavity hygiene, raise of calcium and sIgA in the oral liquid.