DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1603941113
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Comparative genomics of biotechnologically important yeasts

Abstract: Ascomycete yeasts are metabolically diverse, with great potential for biotechnology. Here, we report the comparative genome analysis of 29 taxonomically and biotechnologically important yeasts, including 16 newly sequenced. We identify a genetic code change, CUG-Ala, in Pachysolen tannophilus in the clade sister to the known CUG-Ser clade. Our well-resolved yeast phylogeny shows that some traits, such as methylotrophy, are restricted to single clades, whereas others, such as L-rhamnose utilization, have patchy… Show more

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Cited by 312 publications
(448 citation statements)
References 47 publications
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“…However, a third Ser-identity element, G3C3 run in the variable loop, is missing similar to M. bicuspidata. This supports the recently proposed stepwise accumulation of tRNA CAG Ser features in the evolution of alternative CUG translation [23]. Alignment of conserved CUG-sites further supports the alternative codon usage in M. reukaufii.…”
confidence: 84%
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“…However, a third Ser-identity element, G3C3 run in the variable loop, is missing similar to M. bicuspidata. This supports the recently proposed stepwise accumulation of tRNA CAG Ser features in the evolution of alternative CUG translation [23]. Alignment of conserved CUG-sites further supports the alternative codon usage in M. reukaufii.…”
confidence: 84%
“…EST evidence from M. fructicola and M. bicuspidata was used to train MAKER [23,45]. Protein evidence from M. bicuspidata, D. hansenii, Candida tenuis and C. lusitaniae were also used [23,44,46] We selected a range of species in a closely related sister clade (CUG-Ser) for which published genomes were available, other ascomycetous nectar yeasts, and the manually created reference genome of S. cerevisiae in order to evaluate the assembly completeness of M. reukaufii genome, using CEGMA genes as reference. Blast2GO (v. 2.7.2) [47] was used with BLASTP searches against the NCBI fungi dataset, filtered using Blast2GO annotation algorithm, and GO, and enzyme code were annotated using the GO database.…”
Section: (C) Genome Annotation Gene Ontology and Genetic Featuresmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The genes encoding the Leloir enzymes occur in one of the few broadly conserved yeast gene clusters (Wong and Wolfe, 2005; Slot and Rokas, 2010; Wolfe et al, 2015; Riley et al, 2016), which has been suggested could promote enzyme co-regulation to prevent the accumulation of toxic intermediates (Price et al, 2005; Lang and Botstein, 2011) or ensure that only complete networks are co-inherited (Lawrence and Roth, 1996; Hittinger et al, 2010). In addition to S. uvarum , many yeast species that underwent the WGD retain GAL80B (Hittinger et al, 2004).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In addition to S. uvarum , many yeast species that underwent the WGD retain GAL80B (Hittinger et al, 2004). Perhaps due to these intrinsic metabolic challenges and the limited benefits of maintaining a dedicated GAL network, the ability to consume galactose has been lost many times across diverse yeast lineages (Hittinger et al, 2004, 2015; Slot and Rokas, 2010; Wolfe et al, 2015; Riley et al, 2016). …”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…However, studies of mitochondrial genomes in the last 10 y and recent discoveries of codon reassignments in nuclear genomes showed that all reassignments including the yeast CUG codon alteration are highly polyphyletic and include multiple amino acids. [17][18][19][20][21][22][23] Reassignments in species such as Blastocrithidia species 24 and Amoeboaphelidium protococcarum 25 currently appear to be isolated events. Sequencing of further, related species might lead to reconsolidation.…”
Section: Hypotheses Explaining Codon Reassignmentsmentioning
confidence: 99%