.reshold voltage (V TH ) is the indispensable vital parameter in MOSFET designing, modeling, and operation. Diverse expounds and extraction methods exist to model the on-o transition characteristics of the device. e governing gauge for e cient threshold voltage de nition and extraction method can be itemized as clarity, simplicity, precision, and stability throughout the operating conditions and technology node. e outcomes of extraction methods diverge from the exact values due to various short-channel e ects (SCEs) and nonidealities present in the device. A new approach to de ne and extract the real value of V TH of MOSFET is proposed in the manuscript. e subsequent novel enhanced SCE-independent V TH extraction method named "hybrid extrapolation V TH extraction method" (HEEM) is elaborated, modeled, and compared with few prevalent MOSFET threshold voltage extraction methods for validation of the results. All the results are veri ed by extensive 2D TCAD simulation and con rmed analytically at various technology nodes.