Improved rice varieties at areas that have problems with the availability of phosphorus (P) is very important. Pup1 locus, the locus containing genes that play a role in the P uptake, has been well mapped and some markers for selection have been developed. Based on previous studies, BC 2 F 8 lines have been obtained from crosses of Dodokan × Kasalath (DK), Dodokan × NIL-C443 (DN), Situ Bagendit × Kasalath (SK), Situ Bagendit × NIL-C443 (SN), Batur × Kasalath (BK), and Batur × NIL-C443 (BN). This study aimed to evaluate the BC 2 F 8 lines at molecular level as well as their yield potential. The molecular research was conducted from November 2013 to June 2014 at ICABIOGRAD, Indonesia and IRRI, Philippines, whereas the field trials were conducted at Taman Bogo Field Station, Lampung and a farmer's land at Sukabumi, West Java. Molecular analysis demonstrated that all of the BC 2 F 8 -Pup1 lines contained Pup1 locus. However, three lines (B5-SK5, B9-SN2, and C9-BN2) containing the Pup1 locus were found in heterozygotes condition. All of the Pup1 lines still retained the genome composition of the parent, except for B7-SK7, C10-BN3, and C11-BN4. B1-SK1, B2-SK2, B3-SK3, B4-SK4, B6-SK6, B9-SN2, C4-BK4, C7-BK7, and C12-BN5 Pup1 lines have yield more than their recurrent parents (Situ Bagendit or Batur) in areas with either low or enough available P conditions. B6-SK6 dan C12-BN5 Pup1 lines have yield more than their recurrent parents and check varieties (Inpago 7 dan Inpago 8) in area with low available P condition. These lines could be used for multilocation trial.Keywords: Rice, Pup1, molecular analysis, yield potency.
ABSTRAKPerbaikan varietas padi untuk daerah yang memiliki masalah ketersediaan fosfor (P) sangat penting dilakukan. Lokus Pup1 sebagai lokus yang berisi gen-gen yang berperan dalam penangkapan P telah dipetakan dengan baik dan marka untuk seleksinya telah dibuat. Berdasarkan penelitian sebelumnya, telah diperoleh galur BC 2 F 8 persilangan Dodokan × Kasalath (DK), Dodokan × NIL-C443 (DN), Situ Bagendit × Kasalath (SK), Situ Bagendit × NIL-C443 (SN), Batur × Kasalath (BK), dan Batur × NIL-C443 (BN). Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis galur-galur BC 2 F 8 secara molekuler dan mengevaluasi potensi hasil galurgalur tersebut pada kondisi lapang yang berbeda. Penelitian berlangsung mulai bulan November 2013 s.d. Juni 2014. Penelitian molekuler dilakukan di BB Biogen, Indonesia dan IRRI, Filipina, sedangkan penelitian lapang dilakukan di KP Taman Bogo, Lampung dan lahan petani di Sukabumi, Jawa Barat. Berdasarkan analisis molekuler, diperoleh hasil seluruh galur BC 2 F 8 mengandung lokus Pup1, namun ada tiga galur (B5-SK5, B9-SN2, dan C9-BN2) yang mengandung lokus Pup1 dalam kondisi heterozigot. Susunan genom sebagian besar galur Pup1 masih mengikuti susunan genom tetuanya, kecuali B7-SK7, C10-BN3, dan C11-BN4. Galur B1-SK1, B2-SK2, B3-SK3, B4-SK4, B6-SK6, B9-SN2, C4-BK4, C7-BK7, dan C12-BN5 memiliki bobot ubinan lebih banyak dibanding dengan tetua pemulihnya (Situ Bagendit atau Batur) pada kondisi ...