Atlantic salmon Salmo salar naturally and experimentally exposed to infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) in British Columbia, Canada, developed antibodies against the virus. More than 50% of the fish exposed to IHNV remained seropositive for several months after the IHN epizootic had subsided. The virus itself could not be detected in asymptomatic fish once the fish had recovered from IHN. The persistence of IHNV-specific antibodies in a large percentage of Atlantic salmon, from 4 different populations that survived an outbreak of IHN, and the lack of IHNVspecific antibodies in fish with no history of the disease, suggests that serology may be a useful tool for determining previous exposure to the virus. It may be important to determine whether Atlantic salmon have been infected with IHNV because, although the virus is difficult to detect in asymptomatic fish, an incidental finding suggests it may persist in a small number of fish after the outbreak has subsided. Furthermore, the presence of seropositive fish would be an indication that the virus may be enzootic at a farm, and such information would thus aid producers with stocking decisions.
KEY WORDS: IHNV · IHNV-specific antibodies · Surveillance · Convalescent carrier state · Atlantic salmonResale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher Dis Aquat Org 46: 7-14, 2001 1996). Antibodies against IHNV were first reported in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss in the early 1970s (Amend & Smith 1974). Subsequent studies, using natural and experimental bath exposure to IHNV in rainbow trout, revealed a strong antibody response within 6 wk ) to 2 mo of exposure (Hattenberger-Baudouy et al. 1989. In addition, antibodies were detected in a large percentage of fish for several months after exposure to the virus (Hattenberger-Baudouy et al. 1989, Ristow et al. 1993. The long duration of IHNV-specific antibodies in trout populations infected with the virus, and the absence of these antibodies in non-infected fish, makes serological analysis a potentially useful tool (Hattenberger-Baudouy et al. 1989, LaPatra 1996.A preliminary study done by LaPatra (1996) suggests that Atlantic salmon exposed to IHNV electropherotype 1 produce virus-specific antibodies. Serology may therefore be a useful tool in this species of fish. However, before this methodology could be used by the British Columbia aquaculture industry in their surveillance program, it had to be validated.One of the objectives of this study was to describe the antibody profiles for Atlantic salmon after laboratory exposure to an IHNV isolate from British Columbia, Canada. The second objective was to determine whether the antibody profile of fish exposed to IHNV in a laboratory was consistent with what was observed in British Columbia when Atlantic salmon in salt water net-pen sites were naturally infected with the virus.
MATERIAL AND METHODSLaboratory exposure experiment. Two separate groups of post-smolt 1 Atlantic salmon (McConnell X Mowi strain) were used in this...