“…Thus, an accurate characterization of the material is essential to gain information concerning the growth mechanism. Furthermore, segregation of heteroatoms at grain/twin boundaries 374 and incorporation of clusters in the Si NW matrix 375,376 must be excluded to confirm the formation of a solid solution. Several metal seeds have been applied as growth promoter for Si NWs including Ag, 377,378 Al, 379−384 Au, 220,385−387 Bi, 307,388,389 Co, 390 Cu, 3 1 0 , 3 8 6 , 3 9 1 Dy, 3 9 2 Fe, 3 9 2 , 3 9 3 Ga, 3 9 4 − 3 9 7 Gd, 3 9 8 In, 380,394,399,400 Mn, 398 Ni, 220,378,401,402 Pb, 374,378 Pd, 363 Pt, 375,403 Sn, 166,404−406 Ti, 407,408 Zn, 409,410 and binary alloys 241,388,411−414 of these elements.…”