The determination of selected pesticides and phenols in Portuguese river water samples was carried out from April to September, 1999. The method involved 200 mL samples taken by offline, solid phase extraction by OASIS polymeric cartridges followed by liquid chromatography-atmospheric pressure, chemical ionization-mass spectrometry (LC-APCI-MS). Recoveries of pesticides were 50-96% and 72-120% for the Platform and HPll00 instruments, respectively Chlorophenols gave recoveries of 60-91%. Triazines and transformation products like desethylatrazine (DEA) and desisopropylatrazine (DIA) and compounds such as diuron and chlorophenols were positively identified by LC-APCI-MS. The levels detected of the different compounds varied from 0.01 -2.61 I~g L 1, the most frequently detected compounds being, atrazine, simazine, terbuthylazine, alachlor, metolachlor, Irgarol, diuron, 2,4,6-trichlorophenol, desisopropylatrazine and desethylatrazine.
Experimental ChemicalsThe analytes monitored in this study included 7 pesticides, 2 metabolites and 6 chlorophenols, as identified in Table I. The standards used were 98 99% pure. Irgarol [2-(methylthio)-4-(tert-butylami-Original