Underlay technique is widely used and relatively simple to perform as the graft is placed entirely medial to the ABSTRACT Background: The main objective of the study was to assess and compare the graft uptake, hearing improvement, complications in large, subtotal, and anterior moderate perforations by each technique viz; superiorly based circumferential tympanomeatal flap tympanoplasty (STT)/full cuff and anterior anchoring flap tympanoplasty (AAT)/anterior tucking. Methods: In our study of 30 cases age group in the range of 10 years to 60 years. The mean air bone gap for the 8 patients with anterior moderate perforation was 31.75 db, for 17 patients with large central perforations was 38.75 db and for 5 patients with subtotal perforations was 41.4 db. Results: Mean air bone gap closure after 3 months of surgery in the STT group was 21.4 db while that after 6months of the surgery for the same group was 22.06 db. Mean air bone gap closure after 3 months of surgery in the AAT group was 18.2 db while that after 6months of the surgery for the same group was 18.73 db. Conclusions: Comparing the air bone gap closure in patients who underwent surgery by AAT and STT technique we found that there is no statistical difference. Both techniques (viz: superiorly based circumferential tympanomeatal flap tympanoplasty and anteriorly anchoring flap tympanoplasty) can be used for the repair of large, subtotal, and anterior tympanic membrane central perforations in chronic suppurative otitis media of mucosal type.