Aim. Study of microbiocenosis of nose mucous membrane during allergic rhinosinusitis. Materials and methods. Patients with polypous (PRS) and atopic (ARS) rhinosinusitis were examined, as well as a control group. Standard general clinical methods taking differential diagnostics of atopic diseases and rhinitis into consideration were used for the PRS and ARS diagnosis. Results. Microbial content during different forms of rhinosinusitis has varying directionality that is determined by different pathogenetic mechanisms. ARS microflora has a significantly extended range and was characterized by an increase of concentration of opportunistic microorganisms not characteristic for normoflora. Microbial composition for PRS was significantly depleted by a lack of certain permanent members of microflora, whereas the quantity of opportunistic bacteria was significantly above normal. Conclusion. Disturbance of microbiocenosis in patients with allergic rhinosinusitis was detected, more pronounced in the PRS group. Staphylococcus strains isolated from patients with ARS and PRS possess pathogenic properties in equal ratios, wherein the percentage of strains in ARS group that have persistence properties is higher than in other studied groups. This could give evidence regarding their role in development of inflammatory process on the nose mucous membrane.