“…Laws among Council of Europe States vary on the entitlement of prisoners to vote: while a majority do not have a blanket ban, nine States do (which amounts to a substantial minority), and a majority of States either have a blanket ban or restrict the right to vote in the case of serious crimes. 9 This suggests a possible limit on the scope for European cooperation, in that measures of a purely rehabilitative nature may encounter resistance in some or most countries, and that the rationale of punishment must also be addressed (Dothan, 2016). Traditionally, Northern European and especially Scandinavian jurisdictions have been associated with a less punitive appproach, but punitive influences exert effects in these jurisdictions too (Demleitner, 1995; Kommer, 1994; Krajewski 2014, the latter noting the more severe penal climate in Central and Eastern Europe; Pratt et al, 2005; Tonry, 2007, especially pp.…”