2015): Sulfur transformation in microbially mediated pyrite oxidation by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans: insights from X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy-based quantitative depth profiling, Geomicrobiology Journal,
AbstractThe oxidation of pyrite and other sulfides is responsible for the generation of acid mine drainage and acid rock drainage, which leads to further contamination of soil and water. In these processes, microbial oxidation usually prevails over chemical oxidation. To determine the mechanism of microbial oxidation of pyrite, the interaction of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans with pyrite was comprehensively studied, and the sulfur transformation in the interaction was disclosed using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) depth profiling. Abundant bacterial cells attach to pyrite Downloaded by [New York University] at 11:43 18 June 2015 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 2 surface and form biofilms, which greatly enhances surface corrosion and results in two types of etching pits: bacteria-driven rod-shaped and chemically driven hexagonal etching pits. The details of XPS depth profiles on a reacted pyrite surface reveal that the surface sulfur was first oxidized into elemental sulfur. Thereafter, elemental sulfur was further oxidized to intermediate species S 2 O 3 2− and SO 3 2− and ultimately to SO 4 2− . The oxidation sequence of sulfur is S 2 2− /S 2− → S n 2− , S 0 →SO 3 2− , and S 2 O 3 2− →SO 4 2− . Meanwhile, the remnant ferrous iron in the surface layer was released into solution and subsequently oxidized into Fe 3+ by A. ferrooxidans and dissolved oxygen, which in turn enhanced the oxidation of sulfur. Fe 3+ , sulfate, and other ions (e.g., K + , Na + , NH 4 + ) in the solution precipitated as jarosite, hydroniumjarosite, and ammoniojarosite. On the basis of results, a three-staged model is proposed to interpret the kinetics of microbial oxidation of pyrite.